Step-by-step instructions: How to insulate your camper with Vanue
Want to know the best way to use Vanue to insulate your camper or van? We'll show you how. Quick spoiler: It's simple.
Before you get started:
- Thoroughly clean all surfaces, for example with Vanue Clean, as it ideally prepares the surfaces for the gluing process. It is important that they are clean, dry and free of grease
- Also important: Do not apply the insulation to rust or corrosion spots, as the panels will then not adhere.
- Please also make sure that the ambient temperature is not below 10 °C or above 35 °C.

1. First you cut the required amount of sheet material from the roll
A ceramic knife is best suited for cutting the panels, as cutter knives become blunt after just a few cuts and the cut edges become unclean as a result.
2. Clean and degrease surfaces
In the case of coarse soiling, these can be removed in the first step with a damp cloth and cleaning agent. The surfaces must then be thoroughly degreased. The is suitable for this VANUE® CLEAN SPECIAL CLEANER Perfect

3. Then peel off a short piece of the protective film from the plate
Be careful not to remove the foil until you are ready to glue it, so that the adhesive layer is not contaminated.
4. Now you apply the plate to the surface
To do this, first fix the end, then carefully remove all the protective film and then press the material on evenly and firmly. Please do not pull the plate too hard.

5. Finally, glue the joints together
It is best for this Vanue Fix Tape, as its adhesive properties are optimally matched to the Vanue Sheet panels. When installing multiple layers of Vanue Insulate boards, the seams should be offset. Tip: If you want to stick a self-adhesive sheet onto an open-cell cut edge, it is best to paint the open-cell material first Vanue Fix special glue a.
Tip: It is best to insulate the large, smooth surfaces first to familiarize yourself with the material. In places that are difficult to reach, it often helps to first peel off a small corner of the adhesive layer in order to be able to simply place the material in the desired place. When the VANUE Sheet is properly seated, you can completely remove the foil.
Camper conversion: The advantages of DIY
You can either have your camper upgraded by a professional contractor or do the work yourself. Of course, both have their advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately, the decision depends largely on whether you enjoy expanding the camper and have some manual skills. If you enjoy the camper conversion project and are happy to invest time in working on the van, it is definitely worth converting it yourself.
The advantages of DIY camper expansion:
- significantly cheaper than buying a ready-made mobile home
- Van can be customized
- If necessary, self-made camper can be easily converted
- Possible damage is easier and cheaper to repair than with a finished mobile home
- Camper expansion is fun and can become a hobby
There are now numerous advice articles and videos that will help you with camper expansion. With the right materials and tools, almost nothing can go wrong.
Isolating campers: what's the point?
When converting a camper, vehicle insulation is one of the most important steps in order to be able to enjoy pleasant comfort later. Proper cold and heat insulation slows down the heat exchange between the camper and the environment. In summer your van doesn't heat up as quickly and in winter it stays warm longer.
In addition, a lot of moisture accumulates in the air in the camper. After all, the interior is where people cook, live and sleep. When sleeping, a person releases up to 2 liters of moisture per night. When the warm, humid air inside the van hits the cold outer walls, it cools down. However, as the air cools, it cannot retain moisture, which results in condensation. If the condensation cannot escape and collects in the camper, mold and rust can form. Insulation helps.
In addition to cold and heat insulation, we recommend that you install effective sound insulation in your camper. This protects against driving noise and noise from outside and thus against an excessive noise level that can get in the way of relaxation on vacation.
How long does the DIY camper conversion take?
This question cannot be answered in general, as several factors such as experience, available tools, work environment or individual ideas have a decisive influence on the duration of the camper conversion. As a rule of thumb, however, we can state: If you are planning a high-quality expansion, you should expect at least 20 to 30 working days.
The time required for the camper expansion is often underestimated - especially the time for research. We therefore recommend planning a few more working days. If you have a deadline, such as the start of a vacation, you should start your project early. Without time pressure, the DIY camper conversion is more fun anyway.